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Peregrine improves G150 flap/slat operation
Peregrine Aviation can now fit Gulfstream G150s with heaters to prevent inadvertent freezing of the aircraft's actuator components that control wing flaps and slats positions.
The STC covers installation of heaters to prevent inadvertent freezing of G150 actuator components.

On behalf of Gulfstream Aerospace, Colorado-based aircraft engineering and certification company Peregrine Avionics has completed a supplemental type certificate covering the installation of flap and slat actuator heaters to ensure improved high‐lift system operation in cold weather landing situations.

The heaters ensure the reliable operation and deployment of the leading‐edge slats and flaps in all operational environments.

A no‐flap/no‐slat landing configuration can lead to a steeper descent path and high speed landings without flap or slat deployment, possibly requiring a diversion away from the planned destination airport. The operational impacts of this may include costly diversions to an alternate destination with a runway of suitable length, passenger delays and increased direct and indirect operational costs.

Peregrine provided all engineering, test and certification data needed to obtain the STC approval. The components, heaters control systems and installation documents are available as a package directly from Peregrine. The STC does not modify the G150 flap/slat drive system including controls, indications, safety mechanisms or recommended lubrication maintenance procedures.

"Peregrine is ready to provide a turnkey installation of the system at our Denver area Part 145 repair station partner, or it can supply the STC and installation components for installation by the G150 operator's preferred authorised repair station,” says president David Rankin.

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