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H145 set to take Ascent's operations to the next level
The H145 with its new five-bladed rotor system is a top choice for many operations, thanks to its versatility, spacious cabin and rear-loading clamshell doors. Ascent is the latest operator to sign up for the type.

Ascent Helicopters, a Canadian operator based in British Columbia, is set to acquire its first ever Airbus Helicopters H145. Ascent selected the twin engine H145 for its powerful one-engine inoperative (OEI) performance, small footprint and excellent lift capability. These features will allow Ascent to carry out challenging missions.

“The H145 is the next step for our specialty operations, in terms of safety and performance,” company president Trent Lemke says. “We are always evolving, in terms of programmes and technology. The H145 is an all-around exceptional helicopter that comes backed with exemplary support from Airbus, so we can trust that it will be ready when called upon. Certain customers are making safety their first priority, and they will be rewarded by the one-engine inoperative performance of the H145.”

Ascent is one of only a few Canadian companies that are Transport Canada approved to operate a hoisting programme for work access. It operates throughout Canada, in Europe and in the US with a variety of government and industry clients. The OEI performance of the H145 is perfect for specialised hoisting operations as well as meeting the H1 performance criteria for air ambulance work.

“The H145 is a proven leader in the air medical industry, offering exceptional performance, safety and versatility,” states Dwayne Charette, president of Airbus Helicopters Canada. “We believe the H145 will be the perfect complement to Ascent Helicopters, an industry leader in critical missions and hoisting operations.”

The H145 with its new five-bladed rotor system is a top choice for many operations, thanks to its versatility, spacious cabin and rear-loading clamshell doors. It incorporates Airbus Helicopters' advanced cockpit design and Helionix avionics suite.

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