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Air Partner introduces flexible five-hour jet card
Air Partner's jet card membership sales are up 50 per cent year on year in the first half of 2020, and the company has also seen a huge surge in programme demand. A five-hour jet card could drum up more business.
Air Partner's managing director of charter Kevin Macnaughton.

Following a 240 per cent surge in demand for its private jet membership programme, Air Partner has launched JetCard 5, its first JetCard product with a prepaid package for only five hours of flying.

The initiative is driven by a need for flexibility during disruption from the coronavirus pandemic, as more flyers seek speed and flexibility for their travelling needs. JetCard 5 is designed to be a safety net for those who want to future-proof their travel plans or those new to private flying.

“The rapidly evolving travel restrictions brought about by COVID-19 worldwide have meant that corporate as well as individual clients have seen their plans disrupted,” explains managing director of charter Kevin Macnaughton. “They've had to cancel or change their business and travel plans with a moment's notice. In this volatile environment, clients need the flexibility to alter their flight plans, but also the security of knowing a flight will be available to them should they need one unexpectedly. In response to this increasing demand, Air Partner has launched JetCard 5, which effectively ensures that clients will have access to a flight with as little as 24 hours' notice, with unprecedented flexibility and with a reduced financial commitment.”

The company's jet card membership sales are up 50 per cent year on year in the first half of 2020. Air Partner is able to provide facilities such as testing of flight crew, socially distanced seating and offer PPE and enhanced hygiene measures. Private flights generally use private terminals with rapid boarding, saving time and reducing the potential viral exposure of commercial airport terminals. Travellers can also fly in and out of smaller, more convenient airports, including those that restrict commercial airline flights. Other perks include concierge services and luxury airport transfers.

“Business and life don't stand still even in the year of coronavirus, and often clients, corporates as well as individuals, simply have to fly with a moment's notice. That's when JetCard 5 comes in; it guarantees availability in 24 hours and full flexibility,” adds Macnaughton.

Just like Air Partner's more extensive packages, JetCard 10 and JetCard 25, JetCard 5 offers fixed hourly rates with no additional costs, unlimited users and the most flexible cancellation terms. Air Partner accesses over 7,000 aircraft and provides 24/7 global coverage.

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