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SimCom academy selects Frasca for TBM910 device
Frasca designs and manufactures flight simulators, flight training devices and simulation components. Since its founding in 1958 over 2,700 simulators have been delivered worldwide. The latest goes to SimCom in Illinois.
Frasca will be delivering a second TBM flight training device to SimCom, this one a 910 Level 5 FTD.

Illinois-headquartered Frasca International has received a contract to supply a TBM910 Level 5 flight training device (FTD) to SimCom International's training centre in Scottsdale, Arizona.

SimCom is a privately-owned aviation learning institution that currently operates 47 simulators representative of a wide range of jet, turboprop and piston powered aircraft. The company is headquartered in Orlando, Florida, where it also operates two training centers and one simulator production facility. It has an additional training center in Humberside, United Kingdom.

The FTD will be built in an actual aircraft cockpit and will be equipped with G1000Nxi with two PFDs and one MFDs including TAWS, weather radar, synthetic vision, traffic advisory system, ESP/SUP/EDM, real MD302 elecronics standby instrument and enclosed Instructor Operator System (IOS) cab. The FTD will include an RSI visual system with projected 220­ degree spherical display system.

This will be the second TBM device provided to SimCom by Frasca. A TBM930 Level 5 FTD was delivered in 2017.

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